Friday, May 9, 2014

#BringBackOurGirls has gone Viral

53 girls have been identified having escaped a mass kidnapping by Islamic militants, potentially subjecting the girls to stigma in this conservative society.

Some 276 girls remain missing, and U.S. officials and agents arrived in Nigeria today to help the Nigerian government, which has been widely criticized for not doing enough to find the girls.

Reuben Abati, a spokesman for Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan, said in a statement late Thursday that the President had met with the U.S. ambassador to discuss “the modalities for the actualization” of the U.S. offer of help. Boko Haram, which wants to impose Islamic law on Nigeria, abducted more than 300 girls from a boarding school in the northeast town of Chibok on April 15. From information gathered, Nigeria will receive support from America, UK and France.

However, it has also been gathered that recently Canada has joined in the support. The government of Borno state, where Chibok is located, said in a statement received Friday that the 53 girls it identified by name include those who fled the day they were kidnapped and those who escaped from Boko Haram camps days later.

Chibok residents are staging a street protest today to press Borno’s government to do more to find the missing girls. It's been recorded that Boko Haram has killed more than 1,500 people this year. It is of course no surprise that the Nigerian domestic terrorism has found support from important celebrities from across the globe. The Hollywood icon, Angelina Jolie, has also shared her concern on the matter.

It has also been said Asia, Europe, America and other countries has joined in the #BringBackOurGirls hash tag on twitter to show concern. Some Nigerians have continued to show their disappointment in the President having to allow this situation deteriorate to its present condition. Are we really not able to take care of our own mess? Your comments would really be appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. its so disheartened, that having been claimed dat we ve been an independent country for over 5 decades, the country nigeria stil lack sense of directions, all thanks to the shamelessness and inherent greed of our so called leaders who lacks the leadership roles of even managing dir homes, talkless of populace of more than 100million.leadership role is not a family title,but ur ability to perform the roles elvolves, makes u nt just a leader but a respected one like the likes of nelson mandela. president jonathan, so sad i ve to say this,u ve failed,over 80% of nigerians ve lost hope in ur regime .sir u ll be doing yourself a great deal by harkening to the voices of million nigerians on this new national anthem "bring back our girls",instead of parading shamelessly to the outside world for help.
    really a big shame to nigeria and african leaders overall.
