Thursday, June 19, 2014


Quite a number of people find it difficult to re-install their OS (Operating System) after formatting either their Desktops or Laptops. You would also agree that it is even more difficult especially if you use a mini laptop or portable notebook which comes with no DVD drive. It means you would have to either buy an external DVD drive to watch your movies, which is quite expensive, or you copy all your media files using a USB (Universal Serial Bus).

Having an external DVD may not be too easy in most cases. Even if it is, you might have to deal with the conscious habit of carrying it around in case you are presented with an opportunity where you would need it. However, having an external DVD would definitely come handy when you are in a situation that requires you to format and re-install your OS or upgrade to another. Most common OS are the XP, Vista, Windows 7 & 8.

Statistically, in a group of a 100 people you can easily ascertain the most used OS. One would find that about 78% use Windows 7, 12% use XP, 8% use Vista while the remaining 2% use Windows 8. If you therefore have need to change to any of these OS aforementioned, you can now do so with ease with a USB! yes you heard me right.

It surprised me to find that there are very few dead-simple guides to creating a bootable USB thumb/pen/flash drive for a Vista and/or Windows 7 installation. The process is so easy. This will walk you through the steps to create a bootable USB flash drive for the purpose of

Saturday, June 7, 2014


Nigerian former Information minister, Dora Akunyili, is dead.
She died Saturday morning in an Indian hospital of a yet to be announced ailment.
A close family source confirmed Mrs. Akunyili’s death to PREMIUM TIMES. Her close political ally and the former governor of Anambra state, Peter Obi, as well as her spokesperson, Isaac Umunna did not respond to telephone calls for further confirmation.

Her family is expected to make an official announcement of her death in the coming hours. Mrs. Akunyili is considered as Nigeria’s most effective drugs and food administration executive. as the first boss of National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control, she carried our sweeping reforms that helped Nigeria, at the time, put up a strong defence against fake drugs and food products.

She went on to serve as an information minister under the administration of Late Umaru Musa Yar’Adua. She is famed for taking an apolitical stance during the 2010 power transition from ‘brain damaged’ Yar’Adua to Goodluck Jonathan, his deputy at the time.

Before her death, she was serving as a member of the ongoing National Conference, in Abuja.

Thursday, May 29, 2014


After months of speculation and countless leaks, LG finally unveiled the G3. And as expected, this beast of a phone is armed to the teeth with the latest and greatest mobile tech. It's clearly been designed with spec-hungry Android fans in mind, and LG is hoping it can one-up the competition in every way. But to get to the top of the Android world, it has to go through the Galaxy S5 first. How do these two superphones compare? Read on for a side-by-side comparison.

The G3 follows closely in the footsteps of last year's G2, continuing LG's tradition of razor-thin bezels and back-mounted buttons. This phone is all screen—5.5 inches worth of IPS LCD, to be exact. That's nearly a half-inch bigger than the Galaxy S5's 5.1-inch display, but it's not just size that sets these two displays apart. LG made a big deal about the advantages of LCD over AMOLED, Samsung's display tech of choice, but the real headline grabber is the resolution. LG is the first to squeeze a Quad HD, 2,560-by-1,440-pixel display into a smartphone. 

That makes for an impressive pixel density of 538ppi compared with the already-sharp


Google has reportedly made a driverless car, without steering wheel or brake pedals, which is driven entirely by variety of on-board computers and sensors. Cars can now drive themselves if Google’s project in building their self driving car is a huge success.

Google said that the program is currently in a prototype phase and they will make nearly 100 of these two seat autonomous cars for testing purpose.In 2015, Google hopes that 100 of these two-seaters will be on the roads for extensive testing.

Google's goal with the self-driving car program has been to develop vehicles that are safer than the ones driven by humans. There would be no gas and brake pedals but these cars can only make use of sensors and computing power, with no need for human aid. Nearly 1.2

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Kidnapped Girls Located

Nigeria’s military has located nearly 300 schoolgirls abducted by Boko Haram but fears using force to try to free them could get them killed, the country’s chief of defence said on Monday.

Air Marshal Alex Barde told demonstrators supporting the much criticized military that Nigerian troops can save the girls. But, he added, “we can’t go and kill our girls in the name of trying to get them back.”

He spoke to thousands of demonstrators who marched on the Defence Ministry headquarters in Abuja, the capital. Many were brought in on buses, indicating it was an organized event.

Asked by reporters where they had found the girls, Barde refused to elaborate.

“We want our girls back. I can tell you we can do it. Our military can do it. But where they are held, can we go with force?” he asked the crowd.

Friday, May 23, 2014


Policemen were battling yesterday to keep away a crowd that stormed their station at Layeni  in Ajegunle, the popular Lagos suburb, to catch a glimpse of a suspect.   The suspect is an old woman who residents described as a confessed witch.

They said a bird turned into a woman who they claimed, seemed to be in her 80s. Among residents who gathered on Ojo Road, Ajegunle, to see the “shocking” scene was Emeka Christian,who said he was with his girlfriend when they saw three flying black birds in the air.
“I jokingly told my girlfriend – Kemi – that two of the birds could be males fighting over the only female among them. We both laughed it over, but we could not believe our eyes when suddenly one of the birds fell and began to transform into an old woman who appeared in her 80s. The two other birds flew away. While some waited in disbelief, others took to their heels,”   said Emeka. 
As the woman rolled on the road, with blood gushing out of her forehead, according to

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Poor maintenance leaves Nigeria's Israeli drones grounded

Nigeria bought Israeli surveillance drones years ago that might have been used to hunt for more than 200 girls held by Islamic terrorists, but poor maintenance has left them grounded, two official sources and the aircraft's manufacturer said.
"To the best of our knowledge, these systems aren't operational," Tsur Dvir, marketing officer for Aeronautics Defense Systems, a firm based south of Tel Aviv that supplied Nigeria with Aerostar unmanned aerial vehicles, said on Tuesday.
A Nigerian government source and a former military attache to Nigeria both confirmed the information, although they said details were sketchy owing to the secretive nature of Israeli-Nigerian military cooperation.

The Nigerian military did not immediately respond to a request for comment, but the disclosure could further embarrass President Goodluck Jonathan's administration, which