Friday, May 16, 2014


The fight against Boko Haram has taken another twist these days with civilians now fighting the terrorist group. Villagers are getting organized, weapons are been bought and men are now prepared to deal ruthlessly with this group. There is no need praying for help from the Nigerian Army any longer.

Take for instance, the Shehu of Bama had ordered his people to buy guns after the sect ravaged his town twice without any response from the Army and other towns and villages are taking this step to protect themselves.....Jungle justice you might say!

Recently, about 400 Boko Haram members had attacked Rann and neighboring villages with their
usual convoy of Hilux trucks, motorcycles and APC (Armored Personnel Carriers), unfortunately,these people were waiting for them and the villagers didn’t spare them with rocks, bows and arrows, local Dane guns, swords and “charms”.

It was a fight that lasted till the sun came up and more than 200 of the terrorists were killed, several were captured and they recovered a lot of vehicles.

According to sources, the civilians have decided to take care of the situation that the Nigerian Army have not been able to handle and some of these villages have decided to take the necessary precaution in protecting themselves.

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